Axe Cop is an American adult animated series based on the webcomic of the same name that was created by Ethan Nicolle and Malachai Nicolle. It premiered on Fox on July 21, 2013, as a part of the channel's Animation Domination HD programming block.[2] The series consisted of 12 11-minute episodes in its first season.[3]
A second season of Axe Cop, first announced by Ethan Nicolle on the Axe Cop website, began airing on FXX on April 16, 2015, and concluded on June 25, 2015.[4] Similar to the web-comic, the series features the eponymous police officer Axe Cop, his partner Flute Cop, and their allies Sockarang, Gray Diamond, Liborg, Bat Warthog Man, and Wexter as they fight various "bad guys" and avoid getting into conflict with the Normal Police.